Customer Service and the Curse of Fundamental Attribution Error

This is the title of a concise article on fundamental attribution error at the SDM Advisory Group. It is simplistic to say that people should avoid dispositional judgments. Dispositional judgments are largely hardwired into our thinking. However, if one is aware of these factors and understand that these thoughts are normal, …

Rationality does not guarantee agreement, but we might get along better

I think we would all get along a lot better if we were rational, but not because we would all be in complete agreement if we were rational. Rationality is a tool for getting what we want. Rationality tells us how the world is, and what the results of our …


As children, we’re taught that we should “walk a mile in another man’s shoes” before we judge him. This is admirable advice, to be sure. However, I can’t help thinking that this advice isn’t as effective as it might have been. In my last post, I discussed fundamental attribution error: …